Mind Mapping Video & iMindMap 8 Software Introduction

Learn to mind mapping video using iMindMapEveryone else seemed to have a mind mapping video up on YouTube and I was feeling a bit left out, so I thought I’d put my own mind map / iMindMap non-lesson, non-tutorial up there to flummox them all.

Non-lesson? Non-tutorial? You’ll see. Read on to find out more, but be warned:

Warning: Excruciatingly toe-curling ‘sea’ metaphor coming up below. (Don’t say I didn’t warn you…)

YouTube Mind Mapping Video Launched Onto Uncharted Waters


filmstrip mind mapping video with iMindMapVideos with titles like ‘How To Mind Map’ or ‘What Is Mind Mapping?’ or even ‘What’s New In iMindMap 8‘ are ten-a-penny. It’s a pretty crowded pond I’m paddling in.

Everyone – and their goldfish – seems to have done one of these things and I don’t even have a goldfish.

But my biggest worry, as I set sail on the uncharted waters of the vast YouTube ocean on a decidedly leaky web site, is: have I actually got anything new worth saying about mind maps that hasn’t been said (or mapped) a thousand times already, better? That’s a rhetorical question by the way – please don’t answer just yet!

Stormy Times Ahead?


As I undertook this project, the doubts and uncertainties welled up:

Will this minnow make it to the far-off shores of reasonable usefulness and respectability in the mind mapping world or end up floundering in the eddies of some forgotten backwater of the web?

YouTube screen shot mind mapping video & iMindMapWill my choppy prose result in collective nausea for landlubbers everywhere?

And will squirming surfers choking on this watery metaphor make it to the end of another seasick sentence? Probably not.

Anyway. Let’s cast the anchor and get back on solid ground. Oops, there I go again. So if I said I was a bit unsure about the whole thing, it would be a huge understatement.

But I’m a firm believer that getting a reaction from a well-intentioned action is a Good Thing. Getting no reaction due to no action in the first place, well, you end up getting nowhere. Fast.

So here it is, for what it’s worth: my very first YouTube mind mapping video, and possibly my last, brought to you thanks to my favourite mind mapping software, iMindMap 8.

Rocking The Boat


mind map mad iMindMap boatI thought there was little point starting off with yet another ‘How To Mind Map’ effort, for reasons I explained above. So I went a slightly different route: ‘Watch Me Make A Quick Mind Map’ with little-to-no explanation whatsoever.

In this way, viewers can see that it’s pretty easy to produce something interesting in just a few minutes. The final result is a bit scrappy, but hopefully it illustrates some of the nice things you can do.

Maybe it will even tempt a few people to have a go themselves, which would also be good.

Upping-Anchor & Setting Sail


Mapper’s Log: Webdate 28th May, 2015. My idea is to produce a series of short mind mapping videos – not a long rambling one like above – covering various aspects of the process and what you can do with it in real life, business, education or personal.

YouTube mind mapping video subscribe button MindMapMadI’ll let you see how it pans out, but a few basic iMindMap 8 ‘How to…’ clips would probably be a good place to start.

Then I could comment some of my own creations, more for fun (mine) than anything else. Who knows where this will all lead? Maybe onto more serious endeavours but only time will tell.

As ever, constructive comments are welcome, so drop me a line, say ‘Hi!’ and get involved – the more the merrier.

© 2015 Sab Will / Mind Map Mad

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Just click the button below and join up straight away – I look forward to meeting you there 😀

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